January 1, 2020
Self-Care in the New Year

The holidays can be stressful so after New Years can be a great time to focus on self-care. After giving to others, it is important to not only focus on your own needs but also provide a good example to those around you. Self-care can include face masks, shopping, meeting with friends, bubble baths, being with family or even going to a movie alone. Self-care can also look like everyday tasks that are often looked past in the holiday rush. There are six areas to keep in mind when working towards positive life balance, which include physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional well-being. Check out some basic ways for self-care below:
- Get Enough Rest
- Eat Foods that Fuel your Body (think fruits, vegetables)
- Be Active (playing outside in the snow is a great way to enjoy the cold weather)
- Read a Self-Help Book
- Practice Asking and Receiving Help
- Verbalize your Thoughts, Needs, and Wants more clearly
- Practice Forgiveness
- Plan Short Term and Long Term Goals; Make a Vision Board
- Try Breathing Techniques for 10 Minutes out of your Day to Stay Centered
- Take a Moment to Focus on the People Around You and be Thankful
Regardless of the strategy you choose, identifying the need for self-care and thinking about it is a great place to start. Early discussion of self-care between adults and youth can open the door to future conversations and earlier identification of concerns a youth may have.
YScreen can help identify signs of stress and anxiety that may be a result of bullying. YScreen staff can also help connect teens and their families to the appropriate community resources that can address these concerns and help them cope. YScreen is available to teens in Fond du Lac County. If you would like to request screening for your child or would like more information about YScreen, please contact us at (920) 906-6571.
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