Why donate to YScreen?
For 20 years YScreen has reached vulnerable youth across Fond du Lac County and provided their parents with vital information and support as they undertake the task of securing the help their child desperately needs. YScreen is a proven, effective way to identify individuals in need, facilitate connections to mental health services, prevent the tragedy of suicide, and strengthen family relationships.
YOU can play a vital role in ensuring the continuation of this life-changing and life-saving program.

The majority of YScreen’s funding comes from local businesses, foundations, and service clubs.

YScreen is provided at no cost to youth, their families, or partnering schools. Our largest single source of funds, the FDL United Way, provides 25-30% of our annual funding needs. SSM Health provides vital support by funding a part-time YScreen Clinician & Case Manager position. The Fond du Lac School District provides administrative oversight and other in-kind support. The funds provided to YScreen via FDL County Budget allocation ($9,000 in 2022) constitutes roughly 8% of our annual budget, and is our only source of governmental, tax-funded income. As a result, the financial support we receive from local businesses, foundations, service clubs, and individuals who are committed to improving the lives of youth and their families here in Fond du Lac County is vital to the continuation of our program.
How can I contribute?
Those who donate to YScreen fall into three categories: Advocates (donations up to $1,000), Champions (between $1,000 and $5,000), and Heroes ($5,000 or more).
Select the options below to learn more about the variety of ways you can support YScreen financially. To learn how you can donate your time and talents, CLICK HERE.
Donate Online
A simple and easy way to support YScreen is to make a donation online using a credit card via this form:
Send a Check
To give by check, please make it payable to “YScreen/FDLSD” and mail to: YScreen Program, 72 W. 9th Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
NOTE: The Fond du Lac School District acts as the fiscal agent for YScreen, but receives no portion of donations made to YScreen.
Corporate Giving
YScreen is grateful for the support received from area businesses who partner with us to help improve the lives of local youth and families! You can choose to make a one-time donation or a multi-year commitment.
Multi-year commitments provide stability in our funding and help reduce the amount of staff time dedicated to securing program funding each year. Typical commitments are for 2 or 3 years, with the donated amount being collected all at once up front, or annually depending on your preference. During the term of your donation commitment we will provide you updates about what your donation has helped us accomplish.
One-time donations can be made via check or using the online donation form (above). Most of our supporting organizations donate between $1,000 and $5,000, but any amount is appreciated!
Businesses who support YScreen receive the knowledge that they are ensuring the continuation of an effective, life-saving program. Additionally they receive recognition on our website, social media, and promotional materials. We truly appreciate the support they provide, and want to let the community know about it!
Please contact Jill Butler, YScreen Program Coordinator, to discuss corporate giving options at butlerj@fonddulac.k12.wi.us or (920)906-6571.
Do you have an idea about how to spur others to support YScreen? Want to get your friends, coworkers, family, and others in the community excited about giving? Contact Jill at butlerj@fonddulac.k12.wi.us or (920)906-6571 and we can work together to promote your event!
See an AMAZING EXAMPLE of a fundraiser!